For businesses

Wellbeing at work

Primii 17 ani din viața mea profesională i-am petrecut ca manager – angajat, în companii cu diverse sisteme de organizare, de la companii profund antreprenoriale și dinamice, la corporații cu o amplă prezență globală; iar mai recent ca psiholog angajat în organizații umanitare. Am crescut în aceste sisteme, trecând prin multiple roluri, de la specialist la manager, coordonator de echipe și parte a echipei de management. Mai multe despre experiența care mă recomandă să vorbesc despre Wellbeing at work, puteți vedea pe profilul meu de Linkedin.

We spend most of our time at work, in offices or production spaces, with colleagues and/or work equipment, with procedures and processes. In this context, it is worth asking whether the organizational system in the company facilitates (or not?) the achievement of the KPIs and the well-being of its employees. 

If you are a representative of a company that wants to invest in employee’s well-being, you can contact me to set up a needs analysis meeting.

Wellbeing at work services do not include a fixed package of "deliverables". Following the needs analysis, you will receive a personalized offer, but I can mention a few elements that are common in multiple offers: stress management at work (for individuals and teams), how we prevent and recognize burnout, how we organize/build the work environment, the office or production areas; what can we do to increase employee motivation, how do we assess and improve organizational culture etc.

Woman Working At Home