For parents
Parenting counseling
Susțin sesiuni de consiliere parentală individuală (cu unul sau ambii părinți) și de grup (sub forma grupurilor de suport pentru părinți). În sesiunile de consiliere parentală putem aborda orice situație care apare în relația părinte – copil. De obicei, prezenta copilului nu este necesară, ședințele se desfășoară cu părintele/părinții, rareori este necesară evaluarea copilului (caz în care părinții sunt informați despre ce presupune evaluarea, cum să pregătească copilul pentru vizita și orice alte întrebări pot avea).
Some take aways for you after the parenting counseling sessions:
- Solutions for the problems discussed
- A detailed analysis of the developmental stage of your child (children) and how you can support their growth accordingly
- Awareness of your adult-child relationship patterns, what your parenting style is and how you can adapt it to your child's needs and explore new parenting approaches
- Understanding the family system, how a functional family system looks like and what you can do to support your family’s health
- Support materials, analyses and reports, prepared by the counselor, adapted to the situation and the discussed problem.
- Confidence that you have the knowledge and skills to tackle future problematic parenting situations

Coparenting coaching
Coparenting sessions focus on the coparenting relationship (the relationship between the parents or the people who take care of the child) and how this relationship influences the child's development. A brief presentation, about what the coparenting relationship means, can be found in the article I published here.
These sessions are recommended for both intact and separated families (divorced parents or a parent who has left the country), where parents or people responsible for raising the child (may be grandparents, nannies, family friends) experience difficulties in coordinating the responsibilities of care, education, in responding to the child's developmental needs, including providing the emotional support to the child. Although desirable, the presence of both parents or adults involved in raising the child is not mandatory. Change can also be generated by a single adult who wants to work with the identified problem.
Examples of challenges: you feel that only you are involved in the child's education and this becomes a difficult topic to approach with the other parent; the grandmother tells the child a lot of negative things about you and you no longer want to let the child go to her, although you need her help; the other parent does not contribute to the expenses necessary to raise the child and it becomes a burden for you; you argue in front of the child; the other parent scolds the child, screams, and this bothers you a lot.
Some take aways for you after the coparenting coaching sessions:
- Practical solutions for identified problems
- New ways of communicating with the other parent, adapted to individual and relational characteristics
- Healthy conflict management skills between parents or caregivers
- Information about what a good coparenting relationship means and what you can do to create one (even without the support of the other parent)
- How does the coparenting relationship affect the child's development and what can you do, if there are already negative effects on the child
- Informative materials, analyses and reports prepared by the coach, adapted to the situation, the discussed problem
- Confidence that you can handle the difficult situations that arise in the coparenting relationship, that you have acquired useful information and tools for this, and that you have developed new skills for dealing with the relationship with the other parent/adult involved in raising the child/children.